YouTube Title Finder - Writing Titles that Attract More Views and Achieve Higher Rankings

You've probably landed on this article because you're looking for a YouTube title finder, or a tool or solution that will help you write good titles that will help you to improve the results of your YouTube videos.

However, this is a grey area as there's some simple rules that you need to follow when it comes to writing good titles that yield good results.

Results being more people clicking through to watch your video, and your video listing appearing higher in the search results.

So, there's two entities that you need to appease here, and these are the viewer and YouTube themselves.

On one hand you need to attract your potential audience to click on your video to watch it, and on the other hand you need to provide YouTube with enough information and data within your video title (as well as description and tags) so that it understands what your video is about.

Remember, when you first publish a new video to YouTube the only 'true' information YouTube has about your video, is what you tell them. Essentially, the wording you include in your video title, description, and tags.

Therefore, it is vital that you use the right wording. For both your viewers and YouTube.

Let me explain this further, in more detail.

Creating a YouTube Title for the Viewer

When creating a YouTube title for your potential viewers you need to be precise so that your title matches the content of your video. Otherwise, if your title doesn't relate to your content this will reduce your viewer behaviour metrics.

They're leave your video sooner. They may not give it a 'thumbs up', leave a comment or subscribe to your channel.

All these responses, or lack of responses let YouTube know that your video is either low quality, doesn't engage your viewers, or means that your video title is not aligned with the content within your video.

So, your video title should be precise, relatively short, and should create intrigue or curiosity.

You want your viewers to wonder about your title and be curious about your video. You can also provide a bold, direct statement.

Here's a few examples of videos that will grab the interest of your views - providing they're searching for the subject matter:

- "Can You Believe this Dog Done this to Its Owner?"

- "This is the Last Time He Will Ever Make this Mistake".

- "Nobody Thought this Could Ever Happen".

All these titles would create some sort of curiosity. They're open-ended titles that will make potential viewers wonder what is revealed within the video.

Of course, the video thumbnail image would also add some context to this, further increasing the chance that your audience will click through to watch your video.

Creating a YouTube Title for the YouTube Algorithm

Now let's discuss the second part of the equation. This is writing a title that is semantically themed to the content within your video, and the keyword that you would like your video to rank for in the YouTube search results.

This part is all about including your target keyword or search phrase within your title, along with semantically supported words that YouTube will understand.

Semantic words are words that YouTube knows is highly relevant to your chosen keyword (and video content).

Semantic words (aka LSI words) paint a picture that YouTube understands. It's kind of a hidden language.

Let's me give you an example.

Let's say that you created a video on a software tool that helps users to design logos.

A keyword that you may want to rank that video for may be "logo creation software".

With that in mind, a suitable 'keyword rich' YouTube video title would be:

- "Logo Creation Software - Is this the Best Way to Design Logos in 2023?"

The first thing you will notice here is that the title includes our target keyword. 'Logo Creation Software'.

It also includes other semantic words such as 'Design' and 'Logos'.

The second thing you may have noticed is that the title also creates some curiosity - By asking your potential viewers "Is this the Best Way to Design Logos in 2023?".

You're essentially asking them a question whilst hinting at a bold statement. This creates intrigue and will entice your viewers to click through and watch your video.

If you get those TWO things right when writing titles for your videos, you'll see great results.  You can learn more about how the algorithm works and how our YouTube keywords extractor can help you to improve your results.

You can even read our article on does changing YouTube title affect views, to find out the effectiveness of changing an existing video title.

Changing your title does effect the CTR and you can discover how much CTR is good for YouTube.

So, Let's Get Back on the Topic of YouTube Title Finder Tools

Our TubeSerp software was built specifically to create highly optimized video titles (as well as descriptions and tags).

TubeSerp uses its own custom coded and exclusive 'semantic' technology that reverse engineers the top ranking videos for your chosen keyword, and extracts all of the data that YouTube looks for when determining where to rank a video.

TubeSerp then allows you to use this data via an easy-to-use dashboard allowing you to write, tweak and improve video titles in real time, and then calculating the 'SEO Score' for you with the click of a button.

It does this based on the data it retrieves.

You can get a full, unlimited 7-day trial to TubeSerp for just $1 right now by clicking the blue button below.

Try it out for yourself and see how powerful this software is. Be sure to watch the short tutorial videos first, for maximum results.

To your success!

Andy Black

Learn More About TubeSerp and Start Your 7-Day $1 Trial TodayStart Your 7-Day $1 Trial Today

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